ARECA SATA/SAS HBA Controller: for FreeBSD 9.0 Release =================== Driver User's Guide ======================= FreeBSD HBA driver technical support mail address:; Tel: 886-2-8797-4060 Ext.203 Fax: 886-2-8797-5970 Web site: ================================================================= ********************************************************************************* * 1. Contents ********************************************************************************* ************* * This file ************* readme7x.txt - The readme file for ARECA FreeBSD HBA driver **************************************************************************** * installation disks of FreeBSD RELEASE-9.0 for ARECA 13x0 HBA Controller **************************************************************************** - areca HBA adapter driver for freebsd release 9.0 ********************************************************************************* * 2. The first-time installation ********************************************************************************* A. Before Installing a. Decompress file by: pkunzip -->amd64 -->i386 where drivers in amd64 directory is for FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 drivers in i386 directory is for FreeBSD 9.0 i386(x86) b. copy drivers in amd64 or i386 to a floppy diskette or USB Flash drive. (Some mother board has problem to use USB Flash drive to load device driver.) B. Installation a. Installing system 1. Insert the FreeBSD Installation CD/DVD. 2. Insert the floppy diskette or Flash drive. 3. Restart your computer. 4. When the FreeBSD start screen opens, select 6 to Escape to loader prompt. 5. Type "lsdev" to find floppy or Flash drive disk number. Here, we assume it is disk0. (Floppy drive usually is the first BIOS disk, disk0, but Flash drive usually is the last BIOS disk) 6. Type "load disk0s1:arcsas.ko" 7. Type "boot" to complete the FreeBSD installation. 8. After system is installed completely, Exit installation and reboot. Eject CD/DVD disc and reboot the system. (Leave floppy diskette or Flash drive as it was) b. Updating driver module arcsas.ko and arcmsr.ko ---- !!! IMPORTANT IMPORTANT !!! 1. Restart your computer. 2. When the FreeBSD start screen opens, select 6 to Escape to loader prompt. 3. Type "lsdev" to find floppy or Flash drive disk number. Here, we assume it is disk0. 4. Type "load disk0s1:arcsas.ko" 5. Type "boot" to boot the FreeBSD system. 6. login as root. (floppy diskette or Flash drive has been in its place) Type following commands to install the arcsas.ko, arcmsr.ko and loader.conf # cd / # mount_msdosfs /dev/da0s1 /mnt ( or mount_msdosfs /dev/fd0 /mnt ) --however, USB Flash device may be da1, da2, or da? .... # cp -f /mnt/arcsas.ko /boot/kernel # cp -f /mnt/loader.conf /boot ( or cp -f /mnt/loader~1.con /boot/loader.conf ) # umount /mnt # reboot Eject floppy diskette or Flash drive and reboot the system. ********************************************************************************* * 3. To install arcsas driver into an existing freebsd system ********************************************************************************* a. Decompress to arcsas.ko and loader.conf b. Type following command to install arcsas driver #cp arcsas.ko /boot/kernel Copy loader.conf to /boot or create a /boot/loader.conf file. #cp loader.conf /boot or #ee /boot/loader.conf (Add following lines to /boot/loader.conf) arcsas_load="YES" c. Reboot computer