Date		Modification
20050105	1. Fist release

20050215	1. Fix that the process crash when user click "View Events/Mute Beeper" options in the browser.
		2. Recompiled with new version of Arclib.

20050429-1.3	1. Add support for running multi-instance of "cli" or "archttp"
		2. Add protection while makedevice runs ( Linux and FreeBSD )
		3. Fix some display error
		4. Fix the fan speed of H/W monitor always show "N.A"
		5. Disable CTRL-C && CTRL-BREAK when program running.
		6. Recompile with new Arclib library

20050728-1.4	1. Add Inband Interface support.
		2. Adapt DiscoveryDevice(...)
		3. Recompile with new version of Arclib.

20050930-1.5	1. Add Solaris support.
		2. Recompile with new version of Arclib.

20051208-1.6	1. Change the execution of Windows version from normally application to 'service' application 
		       that it can be started automatically at system boot and can execute even when 
		       no user is logged on to the system.
		2. The HTTP port number is changeable for Windows version.
		3. Add the EMail notification.
		4. Add the remote email configuration.
		5. Recompile with new version of Arclib.   

20060321-1.71.200	1. Fix authentication issue without account and password.
		2. Fix the "mail send date" issue.

20061107-1.80.240	1. Add HTTP General configuration
		2. Add HTTP SNMP configuration
		3. Add sending SNMP trap
		4. Add new events
		5. Fix the bare LF issue of sending mail
		6. Fix "HTTP Protocol Error"
		7. Recompiled with new version of Arclib ( 240 )

20070306-1.81.250	1. Recompiled with new version of Arclib ( 250 )
20070719-1.81.250A 1. Add the option "Auto-Minimize to system tray"
		2. Remove some non-serious events out of system log
		3. Change the option name from "Rescan controller change" to "Re-Sync to Http Proxy Service"
		4. Change the Button name from "Start" to "Launch Browser"
20070911-1.82	1. Add SAS RAID controller support
		2. Recompile with new version of Arclib ( 260 )
20081103-1.83	1. Support Safari 3.0
		2. Fix the bug of SAS transport firmware update
		3. Make the SMTP port# changable, default is 25
		4. Fix the bug of "sending mail no event within 24 hours"
		5. To work with smartmontools(linux)
		6. Recompile with new version of Arclib ( 280 ) 
20091103-1.84	1. Use the DiscoveryPassIoctlDevice() to replace DiscoveryIoctlDevice() to fix the issue of Windows's STORPORT driver.
		2. Fix the issue of "GreetPause" by waiting response at least 5 minutes before SMTP server send greeting banner(timeout)
		3. Recompile with new version of Arclib ( 290 ) 
20101109-1.85	1. Fix the bug "Display HTTP Connection Information To Console" works not properly
		2. For MacOS: Add 'sleep' detection to prevent kernel from panic
		3. For Solaris: Fix the bug that archttp will lose data
		Note: Need new driver after 201011       
		4. Recompile with new version of Arclib ( 300 )
20110809-1.86	1. Domain name for SMTP server is acceptable.
		2. Recompile with new version of Arclib ( 310 )
20110829-1.86	1. Installer supports silent installation.
20110915-1.87	1. Fix the issue that HTML pages may not be shown by some browsers.                        
		2. Fix the bug that AUTH_LOGIN may fail when the account or password length too short
20120503-2.2.1	1. Upgrade CFG pages UI( like as SAS RaidCard style )
		2. Move CFG to first TCP Port(ex: 81)
		3. Add event-log and error-log item into general configuration page
		4. Add "Rescan Device" page into menu item	
		5. Add "SAS RAID Controllers" and "SATA RAID Controllers" into menu item
		6. Move the Windows log to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\MRAID] 
		     and event source [ArcHttpProxyService]								 
                        7. Fix the bug that thread won't release the resource when thread exit                                   
                        8. Fix the bug that HTTP connection may lock up                        
                        9. Fix the bug that RaidCard HTTP hyperlink always show "http://ip:port" not "https://ip:port" when SSL enabled in the configuration page.
                       10. Fix the bug not showing the binding's ip & ports on Non-Windows system.
                       11. Fix the bug that can not connect to the Windows Inband Device.                        
                       12. Add "Collect Support Data" into menu item.
                       13. Add "auto collect support data" when ERROR or SERIOUS event occurred.
								       14. Add event balloon to show events.
                       15. Modify the name of node "ARC-1XXX" into "ARC-1XXX Web Management"